Category: Blogs

A collection of blogs from the Salesian Family

Canonical Visit

Starting today, Fr. Julius Sanchez, SDB the Provincial Superior of the Salesian Province of Mary Help of Christians, Philippine South (FIS) will conduct his canonical

Smiles and Pics

Just a short reflection. I’m uploading files to when I noticed that most frames are crowded. Hey, wait a minute, these aren’t pictures of

Highway Woes

I came home this week for my holiday vacation. I finally had a very nice, long, and warm sleep. When I woke up later the

Saints and Souls

For the other side of the word, it’s halloween time. For another part, it would just be another boring/busy/uneventful/exciting day. But for the Philippines and

Obeying Freely

On the 4th of July 1776, America claimed its independence from Great Britain and democracy was born. From then on it became “the land of

Open Source Software

Open source software is one of the best things in the free world (I mean independent world here) because its free! Fr. Julian Fox, the

Aha! My First Aha!

Aha! This is my first Aha! Among the many technologies available in the network, blogging has caught my attention but not my interest until now.

A Walking Miracle

When I saw Lori Rago standing straight,, unaided by a walking stick, attending the usual Tuesday evening adoration of their prayer group in our small

Sacrificial Love

Mr. Jasbir Vardi invited me to his home for a simple get-together celebration. He wanted to celebrate two important milestones in his life: his baptism