Category: Blogs

A collection of blogs from the Salesian Family

We Are An Easter People

If you think Christians are rigid people, you are wrong.If you think Catholics are masochists, you are wrong.If you think working for holiness is a

All Things To All Men

The subdued atmosphere of the post novitiate made me think a lot.  Gazing at the cross, my thoughts ran to that lacerated body who willingly

You Do Not Always Have Me

Today’s Gospel was quite striking to me. Jesus tells Judas when he remarked on the expensive perfume used by Mary, sister of Lazarus, to anoint

The Will to Fight

The three-pronged calamity in Japan caused me to fear that my weekly serving of anime will have to be suspended. It would be additional penance

25 Years of Life

Tomorrow I’ll be celebrating my 25th birthday and I want to share this message to everyone who reads either on this blog or on the

I Miss You, I Do

I MISS YOU, I DO Sometimes I find myself feeling so sad as I reminisce The days when you were here with me before And

Stay With Me

STAY WITH ME There’s a song in my head playing all day long Humming in my dreams, my heart beating all along My world is

The Father’s Song

THE FATHER’S SONG Every morning you wake up with a question on your face What is life? What is there to live for? The emptiness

Off the Radar

Many people have been asking me where I am. Maybe because they don’t see me bubbling on Facebook. Just to quell fears of my alien