Category: Blogs

A collection of blogs from the Salesian Family

The Father’s Song

THE FATHER’S SONG Every morning you wake up with a question on your face What is life? What is there to live for? The emptiness

Off the Radar

Many people have been asking me where I am. Maybe because they don’t see me bubbling on Facebook. Just to quell fears of my alien

Spiritual Muscles

A newspaper reported that Manny Pacquiao will start his serious training on Monday in Baguio City. He will climb the ring again for a 12-round

Skills and Talents

I like Sunday afternoons because its at my disposal for personal use. Today, I honed my shooting skills in Basketball, maybe inching up one percent

Back to the Basic

We are now in the third day of Lent and I can already feel it settling inside my soul. The bareness of Lent, the reduced

On Solid Rock

A close friend recommended to me an article (which he did not know I already read) he thought would be of interest to me. I

Calling Out

The night no matter how beautiful Is as dark as its velvet shade When my heart is calling out to you And the distance of

Through Heaven’s Eyes

Today, June 30, 2010, marks the inauguration of the 15th President of the Republic of the Philippines, President Noynoy Aquino. This will mark new governance