Category: Essays

I Live On A Ball

I am reading the third book of the Chronicles of Narnia, “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader”, these days when my mind starts to boggle

My Urban Adventure

GMA Skyline At first it was unthinkable, unconquerable, and impossible. It was like facing giants and legions of soldiers charging at you. I thought I

What’s In A Name?

“Good afternoon, class. I am your religion teacher. You can call me Bro. Keith. Pero pag feeling close kayo, Kitoy na lang.“ It’s not the

The In-between

There is a certain moment in our our growth, that subtle change, when we learn to stop wondering. Our sense of wonder fades as we


“All Relationships are about trust.” It struck me strongly that I can’t help but reflect on my own experience of relationships. The latest roller coaster

Study, study, study!

I took this short time to take a break from a studying. I might be experiencing shock. A few weeks ago, my mind was just