Category: Literary Forms

Holder for different kinds of literary forms

Down Mt Tabor

I have heard of people wanting to go up Mt Tabor, the mountain of Transfiguration. Many times in retreats and recollections, a metaphor to the

Misguided Priorities?

An American millionaire, according to Yahoo News, donated $8 million to Wombat Awareness Organization, a “non-profit organization specializing in large scare rescue and rehabilitation of

Prayers for an Atheist

A day of prayer has been organized for author and outspoken atheist Christopher Hitchens who is dying of esophageal cancer by his friend Larry Tauton, an

Another Year

Today is my dad’s 69th birthday! Yes, he was born in 1941. During the war. It was a difficult time to be born. But that’s

I Live On A Ball

I am reading the third book of the Chronicles of Narnia, “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader”, these days when my mind starts to boggle

My Urban Adventure

GMA Skyline At first it was unthinkable, unconquerable, and impossible. It was like facing giants and legions of soldiers charging at you. I thought I

God’s Overwhelming Mercy

The Filipino Chaplaincy in Vienna organized a 3-day pilgrimage to Poland from 2-4 September. Fifty-seven participants registered. I was fortunate to have made it into