Category: Literary Forms

Holder for different kinds of literary forms

Divine Mercy

“Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven.” John 20:19-31 2nd Easter Sunday There was a father who had been unfaithful to

The Merciful Father

“We must celebrate and rejoice. He was lost but has been found.” Luke 15:1-3.11-32 4th Sunday Lent “Who lost a bag?” asked the parish priest one

Holier Than Thou

“Leave it for a year for cultivation and care. If it still does not bear fruit, cut it down.” Luke 13:1-9 3rd Sunday Lent Sometime before


by Honesto Geronimo “While he was praying his face changed in appearance and his clothing became dazzling white.” Luke 9:28b-36 2nd Sunday Lent During Lent many go

Fidelity to God

“Not bread but God’s words” Luke 4:1-13 1st Sunday Lent Everyone without exception is tempted. Whenever we see an opportunity to sin we tend to

Look at Their Fruits

“Every tree is known by its fruit” Luke 6:39-45 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Elections are coming. To woo voters, candidates do many things they