Category: Uncategorized

Promises are Not Enough

Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine died last September 27 at 91 years old. He brought a lifestyle of promiscuity in the mainstream; glamorized sin;

All is Grace

A Nursing Home was celebrating its Thanksgiving Day. Before dinner, the Director invited the Senior Citizens to express their thanks as they gathered around the


Yitzak Rabin was Israel’s 5th Prime Minister. On November 4, 1995 he was assassinated after attending a Peace Rally. Two bullets hit his chest. He

The Cost of Sin

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 18:15-20.Jesus said to his disciples:“If your brother sins against you,go and tell him his fault between

Keep Believing

Reading a book one lazy afternoon, I could hear the familiar voice of Arnel Pineda on the neighbor’s radio crooning with his heart “Don’t Stop

Toward the Top

 Pier Giorgio Frasatti was an Italian youth who died on July 3, 1925. His personal motto was “Verso L’alto” or Toward the Top. Being young