Reflection The goodness and kindness of God looks grand and great when we think of Him as a God despite being all-powerful has the time
Reflection Even economists concede that wants will always be more than the needs. The human heart is always hungry for something but ultimately each heart
Reflection A person who understands the plight of another is not quick to judge. The role of understanding is important in accepting the context of
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 12, 2020 Reflection Jesus, in sharing the parable of the sower, highlights the fruitfulness of the Word. Just
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 5, 2020 Reflection The psalms in the Bible is a collection of songs and poetry that were used
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – June 28, 2020 Reflection Hospitality has always been a hallmark of the Filipino. We Filipinos pamper our guests as if
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time – June 21, 2020 Reflection Jeremiah is one of the most persecuted prophets. And he laments to God in the midst
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ – June 14, 2020 Reflection Jesus was a famous preacher. Many considered him a great prophet. People saw
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity – June 7, 2020 Reflection Love entails knowledge. God in loving us, knows us. This time our liturgical readings
Pentecost Sunday – May 31, 2020 Reflection Not many notice it but the New Testament has two accounts of how the Holy Spirit was given to