Category: Blogs

A collection of blogs from the Salesian Family

Powerful Memory

I used to bring young people on the mountain of Mantalongon, Dalaguete for retreats or camping. A mountain experience is already memorable and spending it

The Devil’s Wiles

Sin and temptation are human realities. Temptation is a desire to engage in short-term urges for enjoyment that threatens long-term goals. If life is a

Producing Fruits

There is an online deadly viral challenge known as Momo Challenge that targets the mentally vulnerable children. It uses an image of a grotesque doll

Active Love

A story is told about a man who knocked upon heaven’s door asking to be let in. St. Peter asked him why he thought he

Living the Beatitudes

Today’s gospel reading (Lk 6:17, 20-26) is about Jesus’ Sermon on the Plain as recorded by St. Luke. This is something significant because as the

Jesus the Emmanuel

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 1:1-25. Gospel Reading at Christmas Vigil Mass. The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ,the son

The Spirit of Advent

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 1:39-45. Mary set outand traveled to the hill country in hasteto a town of Judah,where she