Category: Blogs

A collection of blogs from the Salesian Family

Hope of our People

A story is told about a Filipino boy whose family just migrated to the United States. While in class, the teacher gave them an assignment


Day Three of 2014, I was invited to celebrate the First Friday Mass of the Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals (BCBP) – Talisay Chapter.

Being Grateful

There are two kinds of people in the world. One, those who wake up and say: “Good morning, Lord!” The other, those who wake up

Generating Hope

Three days after monster typhoon Yolanda struck Cebu, I went home to visit Bantayan Island. My heart sank at the horrific havoc the storm did

Doing God’s Will

In one of our Christmas Family Gathering, my cousins and I organized a Christmas Drama. It was a portrayal of the first Christmas. Since I

Bowed but never Broken

Anderson Cooper is a veteran CNN journalist. He spent several days reporting onsite about the devastation brought about by typhoon Yolanda from disaster zones in

Be Ready

Typhoon Yoland was a monster storm. The promise of “zero casualty” is an irony in many areas especially in Tacloban where thousands have died and