Category: Blogs

A collection of blogs from the Salesian Family

Facing the Mirror

Just among us brothers, we have been teasing ourselves on who’s the most narcissistic. I have my own gauge as to who that would be

A Matter of the Heart

I facilitated a 3-day workshop-seminar to educators and youth ministers this week on “Making God’s Word alive in the life of digital youth.” It was

The Salesian Lay Brother

Bro. JP and I have been discussing terms and labels last night. We were asking ourselves how should we call those in formation just before

Schwarz Football Club

Saturday mornings in the Post Novitiate are more lively than the other days, not because the brothers are high on caffeine, but because in the

Don’t Let Me Wait

Don’t Let Me Wait Please just show me if you really love me Don’t let me guess Don’t give me a smile that’ll last only

Once Again

ONCE AGAIN When you look at me it’s then I really see That sparkling smile in your eyes When you pout your lips, it’s when

Little By Little

“Little by little we take it in and we get used to it,” this was how Fr. Dixie pointed to us brothers in his homily

Pride Kills

Of all the many deadly things that exist in this world, there is no other more potent lethal weapon than the primordial pride. In a

Best Vantage Point

Psychology states that we have our own personality that predisposes how we respond to the world. In Philosophy, we call it framework. I have been