Category: Salesian Bulletin

Four G

Reflection on Wednesday, Second Week of Lent, 28 February 2024, PH Chapel, Talamban The Gospel passage today (Mt 20:17-28) highlights the importance of servant-hood as

Too Soon

Homily on the 2nd Sunday of Lent, 25 February 2024, FSpIF Chapel, Talamban esterday was the burial of our alumnus from DBTC, a 23-year old

Set Apart

Homily on Saturday, 1st Week of Lent; 24 Feb 2024, DBPH Chapel, Talamban Someone posted on social media something for us priests to think about.

Flat Line

Homily on Friday, 1st Week of Lent, Memorial of St Polycarp, 23 Feb 2024, FSpIF Chapel, Talamban Two days ago I visited someone in the

Powerful Remembrance

Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother,and led them up a high mountain by themselves.And he was transfigured before them;his face shone like the

In the Desert

The Spirit drove Jesus into the desert. After forty days He was tempted by Satan but angels ministered to Him. Mark 1:12-15 The desert is