Category: Salesian Bulletin

Just One Step Forward

Homily on the Memorial of St. Maximillian Kolbe, 14 Aug 2023, Catholic Safeguarding Institute, Ateneo eroism – It is the act of laying down one’s

Barbecue… Anyone?

Homily on the Feast of St Lawrence, 10 Aug 2023, Catholic Safeguarding Institute Ateneo There is a place in Cebu famous for street food. It

The Pope of Mercy

The pontificate of Pope Francis has been met with enthusiasm by progressives and skepticism by conservatives in the Church. The media oftentimes pounce on his


by: Martin Jonas Aranzado A four-day leadership camp entitled “BOSCO CAMP” was organized by the DBTC Pastoral Office for the Youth Leaders of 2 Salesian


Jesus took Peter, James and John to lead them up a high mountain and he was transfigured before them.  Mt 17:1-19 18th Ordinary Sunday Cycle