12 September 2021, 24th Sunday in the Ordinary Time Mk 8: 27-35 How well do we know the Lord Jesus? Many of us understand knowledge
The movie 42 tells the story of a baseball player, Jackie Robinson. He was the first black athlete to play in the Major League Baseball
A story is told about a little boy who came to his mother one evening after dinner. With an innocent grin, he presented her with
10 September 2021, Friday of the 23rd Week in the Ordinary Time Lk 6: 39-42 Last Sunday, Jesus challenged us to open our ears and
Every nook and corner of everywhere, each unassuming routine, each individual person you meet on a daily basis, and even those that seem to be
Ludvig Van Beethoven was a German-born musician. He is regarded as one of the greatest classical composers like Mozart. By his 20s he was considered
Ideals can be, but not always, and always should be. Our entry into this world brings with it the curse of naivete. We grow up
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Mark 7:31-37 Any mother is excited to hear her baby’s first word which usually is “mama”. To do so baby
03 September 2021, Friday of the 22nd Week in the Ordinary Time Memorial of St Gregory the Great, pope Lk 5: 33-39 Paradigm Shift. Renewal.
29 August 2021, 22nd Sunday in the Ordinary Time Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 One. Two. Three. One. There is one strand that connects our three