Brother Pharmacist

Homily on the Memorial of St Artemide Zatti; Wednesday, 32nd Week in OT, 13 Nov 2024; DBPH Chapel, Talamban

Today we celebrate the memorial of St. Artemide Zatti, the latest Salesian saint canonized by Pope Francs two years ago at St Peter’s Square. Bro John was there with Bro Raffy to represent FIS and to witness the momentous event together with thousands who came from all over the Salesian world.

Well known for being an Italian pharmacist, St Artemide was born in Italy in 1880 but emigrated with his family to Argentina, where Don Bosco sent his first missionaries in 1875. Eventually when he was twenty years old the young Artemide met the Salesians and got attracted to the joy and happiness they have shown in serving others. And so he left his family and gave up a very promising career in order to enter the religious life.

He was immediately accepted by Fr John Cagliero who assigned him to take care of a priest who was suffering from tuberculosis. A year later, after his patient died, he too contracted the same disease but by the grace of God and the intercession of Mary Help of Christians he was miraculously cured. And so in 1908 convinced that he was truly called by God to the consecrated life, he made his first religious profession as a Salesian brother and dedicated his entire life for the good of the sick esp. the poor and abandoned youth. He made good use of his knowledge and experience in pharmacy to help those most in need. Like Jesus in the gospel today, he showed compassion and extended his charity to all those in need of medical help and care.

Three years later, in 1911 Brother Artemide was assigned as manager of both the pharmacy and the hospital run by the Salesians in Viedma, Argentina. “Obedient and open to every good enterprise” (just to borrow the words of St Paul in today’s first reading) he went without hesitation to take his post. To the amazement of everyone, he quickly became known for his typical Salesian joy and consistency in his prayer life. Above all, his trust in divine providence impressed many, as it enabled him to save so many sick people who were poor and had nothing to pay for their hospitalization. Among those who were put under his watchful care was a certain student, named Ceferino Namuncura, who would die at a young age and eventually proclaimed by the Church Blessed among the countless saints in heaven.

In 1951 Brother Artemide died of liver cancer at the age of 70. By Divine Providence, that was the same year when the Salesians officially came to the Philippines and opened two houses one in Victorias and the other one in Tarlac. Who knows, perhaps Brother Artemides had a hand in the historic opening of the Salesian work here in our country.

Years later, in 2002, he was beatified by Pope St John Paul II. He was canonized by Pope Francis on October 9, 2022. May St. Artemide Zatti’s life be an inspiring example for us who are all called to become saints, single-minded and single-hearted for the service of God’s Kingdom.

In this Mass, let us pray in a special way for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, medical technologists, all other medical practitioners that St Artemide Zatti may intercede for them and inspire them to persevere in their self-sacrificing work of healing and caring for the sick. We also pray that many more young people may consider the Salesian Brother vocation.

Finally, as we approach the Jubilee Year of Hope in 2025, may this Eucharist empower us all to respond generously and courageously to God calling us to bring renewed hope to those most in need. GiGsss!

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