For the Grace of a Happy Death

Reflection on Friday, 34th Week in OT, 29 Nov 2024, DBPH Chapel, Talamban

When we were still in the Aspirantate, our prayer leader used to introduce our night prayers with these words “The end of the day recalls to us the end of our life. And so let us now profess our faith, the faith for which we want to live and die.” Then we recite the Apostles’ Creed.

Today being the second to the last day of the month and of the year, I guess we can also say, “The end of the year recalls to us the end of the world.” And so, today and these coming days, we are asked to reflect more deeply and more seriously on how prepared we are for the day of the Lord’s final judgment. This is in fact the invitation from the first reading taken from the Book of Revelation (Rev 20:1-4, 11 – 21:2), which presents John’s vision of the resurrection of the dead, the final judgment, as well as the appearance of a new heaven and a new earth.

Consequently, in line with this, Jesus tells us in today’s gospel (Luke 21:29-33), that we should be able to read the more important signs of the times, manifesting the final establishment of God’s Kingdom. He said to his disciples “Consider the fig tree and all the other trees. When their buds burst open, you see for yourselves and know that summer is now near.”

Just for you to know in many European countries like Italy, summer is the season when fruits are plentiful. But prior to that, springtime must come first when trees are budding with new leaves and flowers begin to burst forth from branches made barren by the freezing cold of the past winter. And so by narrating the parable of the fig tree I believe Jesus wants us and all his disciples to learn how to read the more important signs of the times and be better prepared for the biggest surprise that is about to come.

Most important of all, Jesus says that while the earth, the seas, and the sky will one day pass away along with all that exists in this world, the Good News is, those who will have remained faithful to God until the end will surely reign with Him for all eternity.

Now, therefore, let us ask ourselves, are we truly ready for that day; the day when the Lord will be coming back for the final judgment? When that day comes, may God who is good show his mercy to us!

Meanwhile our Mass this morning will be offered “For the Grace of Happy Death.” GiGsss!

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