Good is Self-Diffusive

The man went away and began to publicize the whole matter.
He spread the report abroad
so that it was impossible for Jesus to enter a town openly.
Mark 1:40-45

Once I overheard three adult men bragging about who had the greatest grandfather among them.  

The first one said: “ My Lolo is super. He drives my own apo to school every day.”If you don’t get it, imagine the great, great, grandfather driving to school his great, great, grandson.

The second one countered: “My lolo can beat that. My own apo is even older than my lolo’s youngest child by 5 years!”If you again don’t get it, imagine ang great grand lolo mas manghud pa sa iyang great grand apo.

But I outdid all of them when I said: “My grandfather was only a high school graduate but he was judge of his town because he was quite fluent in spanish. He single-handedly defeated an attacker with a bolo – the attacker was not happy with my lolo’s court decision. He took his entire family on a sail boat across Manila bay to escape the vendetta of his foes – the attacker he defeated/killed in hand-to-hand combat.”

We all take pride of what is good about their families. Don’t we all boast often for that matter of anything good that we have or that happens to us? We spread our good news to as many people possible.

Good by its nature spreads by itself like mayo on bread, overflows/spills like excess coffee from a cup. As they say in Latin “Bonum diffusivum sui”.

Have you heard good news? Spread it around. Good news is too hard to keep. If you do not talk about it, then the stones themselves will shout it out. This is what Jesus told the Pharisees who suggested that the people do not make such a fuss when He entered triumphantly into Jerusalem for the last time. Luke 19:40.

This is probably what the leper felt when he was cured by Jesus. Despite Jesus’ prohibition not to speak about it, he couldn’t resist talking about the miracle to everyone he met. It is too good to keep mum about it.

Isn’t Jesus the best news yet that has come into our lives? If so, can you explain the reasons why He is? If He is that good a news, have you already told others about Him?

No one wants bad things – even criminals want only the best for their kin. That is why the leper asked Jesus to make him clean. Clean is good. That is why Jesus answered “Of course I do want it. Be clean!” Luke 5:12.

Everyone without exception including bad people wants what is good for themselves. And clean is good that is why we like a lot of clean things in life: clean clothes, fresh food, cool refreshing showers. On top of all these Jesus wants our clean souls. The question is – do you also want it?

Disclaimer: This section of the website is a personal creative writing of the author and does not necessarily reflect the official views, opinion, or policies of the Salesians of Don Bosco – Philippines South Province. For concerns on the content, style, and grammar of this piece, please contact us.

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