Money is Devil’s Shit

Jesus looked around and said to his disciples,
“How hard it is for those who have wealth
to enter the kingdom of God!” 

 Matthew 10:1727 


There was once a priest who was very active in working for the poor – providing them food, medicine, clothing and even shelter and livelihood. Among the many benefactors helping him was a billionaire who unfortunately was a suspected drug lord. Thus some other priests accused this pastor of using blood money to finance his apostolate.

I remember another priest working for a mission procure abroad. He collects donations from generous people to fund charitable works all over the world. He once said, “Money is the devil’s shit. It is stinky, filthy and also unhygienic. But it can still be used as fertilizer for the vegetables in the garden of the Father.” I guess what he meant was that money is neither good nor bad. It all depends on who holds it. If a rich man shares it generously to the destitute then he is a good man. If a poor man craves for money so much that he kills to get it, then he is bad.

Money corrupts even the best person. Electoral candidates are now wooing voters with lots of promises. However once elected and seated in power, many would soon forget these promises and also the people especially when they would receive bribes.

Everyone of us needs therefore to seek wisdom all the time. Wisdom 7:7-11 . Wisdom helps us to choose her over scepters, thrones and jewels of inestimable value.

And where else do we get wisdom than from the Word of God itself. Hebrews 4:12-13  God’s word is living and effective, far sharper any sword revealing intentions and thoughts that would otherwise remain hidden in anyone.

Some voters still accepted money in exchange for their votes. But remaining wise, they still voted the candidates of their choice. The bribe did not at all affect what they wrote in the ballot.

A manager was offered a bigger pay if he would agree to start a new branch in a foreign country. But it meant leaving his family and being with them only for a week every year. He remained wise and valued his family more over the promotion.

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