
by Honesto Geronimo

The man out of joy sells all that he has to buy the field with the hidden treasure.  Mt 13:44-46

17th Ordinary Sunday Cycle A

Fire struck in one subdivision. Everyone was rushing out of the house saving whatever one could save. One father after taking out a heavy safe, was looking at his house as it was gradually eaten by the fire. At that moment the frantic wife arrived home and screamed, “Where is the baby?” He completely forgot about their child in his effort to save their money.

Another man was offered a managerial post abroad with a tempting huge salary. But that father did not accept the offer because it meant not seeing his family for a year.

Our priorities always determine our everyday decisions especially the important ones. For some financial stability takes precedence over family. For others it is the other way around.

For King Solomon in his prayer to Yahweh, he put understanding what is right above long life, riches, and death of enemies. For this choice, Yahweh was most pleased and thus assured him that no king after him would ever equal his wisdom. 1 Kings 3:5.7-2  

In the gospel, one man gave up all his earthly possesions just to buy the piece of land where the treasure was buried. Another man also sold his properties in order to purchase the finest pearl he saw.

The readings are all about priorities – giving up everything in order to get what is most important.

In the second reading St. Paul addressed the Romans saying that all things turn out good for those who love God Romans 8:28-30.  In brief he recommended God as priority because if we love Him everything we might have given up for Him comes back to us. Is God then your top priority?

A man was employed in a big company with many workers. He was in-charge of encoding into the computer the salaries of all employees. He was being given a huge compensation by the company owner. But he must manipulate the program he makes so that the employees receive less than what he recorded in the company’s income tax report. But that man love God as his top priority. And so he quit his job. Placed in a similar situation a true lover of God does the same. Would you?    

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