
by Honesto Geronimo

“While he was praying his face changed in appearance and his clothing became dazzling white.” Luke 9:28b-36

2nd Sunday Lent

During Lent many go to confession and some even cry because they discover their many sins. But this is not good at all because as Psalm 32 says “Happy the one whose sin is forgiven”. They should be joyful and not sad. They should focus not on their sinful misery but on God’s loving mercy.

When we read the parable of the Prodigal Son we rarely notice the merciful forgiveness of the father. And because of the parable’s title itself we direct our gaze solely on the misgivings of the two sons.

In like manner during Lent maybe we should be more positive in our outlook and focus also at the Resurrection of Jesus and not only on His Passion and Death. The Paschal Mystery is made up by these three events which altogether saved all of us. Keep in mind that without the Resurrection, Christ’s Passion and Death would be meaningless. Just imagine if Christ only died and did not rise we would be most pitiable of all, wrote St. Paul in 1 Cor.15:14.

Today Jesus went up Mt. Tabor and was transfigured. His clothes became dazzlingly white. This transfiguration was a preview of the resurrection. Although Jesus talked with Moses and Elijah about His impending suffering and death, He was seen in His risen glory.

The message is clear, that as we meditate on our sins and Christ’s passion and death, let us not forget the love of God and Christ’s resurrection.

From our sins we shall have our own transfiguration. And this happens through our prayer as Christ Himself was transfigured in prayer. Prayer would transform our sinfulness to merit God’s merciful forgiveness.

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