Veiling and Unveiling

Reflection on Wednesday, Third Week of Lent, 13 March 2024, DBPH Chapel, Talamban

We have reached the fourth week of our Lenten journey towards Easter. Just to let you know, by this coming Saturday evening we are asked to have all images and statues covered or veiled until the beginning of the Easter Vigil. Only the sanctuary crucifix may remain uncovered until Holy Thursday evening. You might perhaps be wondering why we keep this customary practice. Why do we have to veil or cover sacred images that are beautifully designed to raise our hearts and minds towards heaven?

First, this traditional practice of veiling is a strong reminder for all of us to seriously get ready because the entire fifth week of Lent is the Church’s final and most proximate preparation for the celebration of the Paschal Triduum. At the same time it actually heightens our sense of longing for the solemn feast of the Resurrection.

Secondly, the act of veiling what our eyes can see enables us to focus more on the words that we hear, especially when the passion narratives are proclaimed.

Thirdly by veiling the images, we are asked that all our devotions be shifted to and centered on Christ rather than on the saints represented by those images. In fact the gospel passage we have heard today focuses on Jesus’ rising conflict with the Jews who wanted badly to get rid of him not only for breaking the Sabbath rest, but also for blasphemously calling God his own father.

May our full, conscious and active participation in the liturgy, therefore, enable us in these remaining days of Lent to keep our eyes focused on Jesus who, as God’s Mercy personified, came not to condemn us but to save us and grant us eternal life. GiGsss!

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