Higher Education
Salesian presence in the Higher Education field is relatively recent. Although the first higher education institute goes back to 1934 (St Anthony’s College, Shillong, India), an awareness of the importance of this level of education and the development of the Salesian presence in it was realized only during the final decades of the last century, with substantial numbers of people from the middle and lower classes worldwide getting access to higher education.
The Salesian Higher Education presence has grown in number and quality due to the process of reflection and networking of our universities which the Rector Major, Fr Juan Edmundo Vecchi, initiated in 1997 as a service of the Generalate for the Provinces and the institutions themselves (cf. Fr Juan Vecchi, AGC 362, “Documents and news: A service for Salesian Universities”). This service is provided by IUS and its general coordination, representing the willingness of the Salesian Congregation to guide and improve development of this new type of presence among the young. As a result of the process carried out the Salesian Congregation amended Article 13 of the Regulations, recognising that presence in higher education is part of its mission:
The school, vocational training centres and institutions of higher education promote the integral development of the young through the assimilation and critical revision of the culture and education of the faith in the Christian transformation of society (R. 13; CF. GC26, NO.122).
Salesian presence in this field today is quite vast and diverse. We operate through management and promotion of academic centres – under the direct responsibility of the Salesian Congregation or in shared responsibility with other church institutions – management and animation of colleges and hostels for university students, and the presence of many Salesians with managerial, teaching, research responsibilities or who provide leadership in chaplaincy or similar ministry in institutions of higher education, be they Salesian, Church or Civil.
Reflection on and guidelines for the Salesian Congregation’s presence in higher education affects the institutes, colleges and university residences under its responsibility in a particular way, since these are structures that allow the development of a more systematic educational and pastoral proposal with the Salesian charism at its core.
Don Bosco Technical College Cebu, Inc.
Pleasant Homes Subdivision, Punta Princesa, Cebu City

College of Engineering
Courses in Engineering are offered: Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering (BSECE), Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (BSIE) Major in Furniture Manufacturing and Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME-MDM) Major in Machine Design and Manufacturing.
A new feature in the program for BSIE is the specialized skill in furniture manufacturing that includes the skill to construct wood and mixed media home and office furniture for local and international market. Hence, while forming students who can play leading roles in the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems for people, materials, information, equipment and energy, the same students also possess a focused technician skill in furniture.
The Program for Mechanical Engineering is an intensive training in metal fabrication and machining skills that exposes students to electrical and electronics laboratory “hands-on”. This makes the student into a multi-skilled or a mechatronic technician even prior to his/her being a management subjects included in the program equip the graduate with basic tools for industrial production leadership.
Primary Services: Elementary and Technical High School
Skills Training Center(STP) for Out of School Youth
Technician’s Center and Technician Teachers’ College
College of Engineering
Youth Center
☎ +63 (032) 273-1127 to 33 Trunkline
☎ +63 (032) 273-2302 College
☎ +63 (032) 414-3433 Administrator
☎ +63 (032) 273-8444 TVET
Don Bosco Formation Center
Lawaan III, Talisay City, 6045 Cebu

The Don Bosco Formation Center is a community for the human maturing of the young person, his intellectual preparation and the deepening of his search for his calling. It is a time of dialogue between God, whose initiative calls him and leads him forward, and his own freedom as he gradually assumes responsibility for his own formation where the candidate gradually gets to know the Society, and the Society in turn can evaluate his suitability for Salesian life.
Primary Services:
Bachelor of Arts in Religious Education and Pastoral Communication
Evangelium Program for Catechists
☎ +63 (032) 272-7718
☎ +63 (032) 272-4264