Another Year, Another Chance

All who heard what had been told them by the shepherds were amazed.
And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.

 Lk 2:15-21


Why make New Year’s resolutions when one never keeps them. Similarly why go to confession when one keeps on repeating the same sins all over again.

There was once a man bedridden for so many years taking the same medicines day in day out. One day he said, “What’s the use of taking these medicines? They are not getting me out of this bed. I’d better stop taking them!” And so he did. But the next day he died. The medicines might not have taken him out of bed, but at least it had been keeping him alive for many years.

Today is New Year. Inspite of how we faired last year we are given a new year. God never tires of giving us a chance to start anew. This is true of every new day we wake up to. This is true of every newborn child that He brings to our ailing world.

Man should take up this same persistent attitude of God with others and especially with oneself. If God never gives up on us, giving us another chance every year, maybe we ought to be as patient with ourselves as He is with us.

Today we celebrate Mary as Mother of God. After eight days her newborn infant was named “Jesus” the name given by the angel Gabriel, the Hebrew name which means “savior”. And a lot of saving has been happening since the day the angel Gabriel visited Mary, all of which she kept pondering in her heart.

The same thing can be said of our lives. Every day of our life since our birth, Jesus, true to HIs name, has been saving us. And like Mary, we ought to ponder on these events.

Disclaimer: This section of the website is a personal creative writing of the author and does not necessarily reflect the official views, opinion, or policies of the Salesians of Don Bosco – Philippines South Province. For concerns on the content, style, and grammar of this piece, please contact us.

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