Believe that God’s words to you would be fulfilled!

Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste
to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah
and greeted Elizabeth.
Luke 1:39-45


When Christ first came, Mary was first to welcome Him. And as soon as Jesus entered her womb she immediately got up to help Elizabeth in Judah. It was a 130-kilometer distance from Nazareth.

It is like that when you got Jesus in you – you feel the urge to help people like Mary.

Jesus is no longer born in Bethlehem but in each and everyone’s heart. The clear unmistakeable sign of that is your generosity to assist the needy around you.

On this time when we are only a week away from Christmas, ask yourself if you already have felt that same urge in you. Upon hearing Mary’s voice even John from inside Elizabeth’s womb kicked for joy. Also the precursor couldn’t resist the urge to do something.

Elizabeth praised Mary for believing the message of angel Gabriel no matter how incredible it was. If only we have such faith like Mary, we can also bring Jesus to the world around us.  

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