Cozy Shell

Some people might notice, but I’m shying away from the cyberworld these days. This post actually breaks that silence. I felt that I somehow needed to go back to my cozy shell, to my comfort zone, during this vacation. The effects have been wonderful. Silencing did bring me back to my senses. Think of entering safe mode in a Windows session.

The past months have been quite a ride for me. I wanted to integrate all my experiences, especially of becoming a Salesian. Seven months and counting, I’m still feeling my way through becoming a religious, a holy religious.

Driving with my great and loyal friend, Celso, through the streets of Pasil, I shared how I used to run and play in these streets just like the little boys who owns the street giving the drivers a hard time navigating the Pasil labyrinth. Not a long time ago, I was enjoying the same paradise with these kids, yet a turnabout slowly happened in my life without me noticing it, and I find myself among religious men sharing the spirit of Don Bosco.

From Pasil streets to the convent, I marvel at such grace by which God has picked me up from among the ordinary to become a sign of His love. From a family of three to the Salesian Family, and to the embrace of the many young people I have encountered, I have never felt so much love like this.

I needed to take it in and appreciate this road I am taking. I needed to reconcile the young boy from Pasil to the young man who took his religious vows seven months ago. I cannot help but be thankful.


This feed is an excerpt from my blog.

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