Faith in God

I saw a video in CNN of a child prodigy. Akiane Kramarik is a very gifted, 12-year old artist. What makes her unique is not so much how well she paints, but the subject of her work and her inspiration. When she was 4 years old, she had many visions of meeting God. God told her she needs to paint and help less fortunate people. He’d be there to guide and teach her. So she was able to produce so many beautiful art work. In fact one of her paintings, a self-made portrait, was sold for $10,000!
What makes her story fascinating is that, when she began seeing visions and discussed them with her parents, her mother was atheist. Religion was never discussed in the house. She began to paint about her visions. She is a self-taught painter and claims that God taught her. She started drawing at 4, painting at 6, writing poetry at 7. She has started to learn piano and she is not composing her own music.
Her art work depicts life, landscape, people inspired by her visions of heaven and personal conversations with God. She works 4-5 hours each day, 5-6 days a week. She produces 8-20 paintings a year. Much of the money is donated to charities. He life goal is to share her love for God and people around the world.
I was really inspired by her story. In that interview, she expressed many times her frustrations. But then she talks to God! She says God calms her down. God tells her “everything will just be okay. She feels a deep sense of peace and is convinced that God is real!
Our Readings today speak about Faith. The Gospel (Lk 17:5-10) shows the Apostles making a sincere request: “Lord, increase our faith!” Like them, we are to make the same request. “Lord, make our faith grow. Convince us that you are real; that you are alive!”
Our Readings teaches us 3 things:
1.     Willingness to Trust in God
I am sure we can relate with the experience of the Prophet Habakkuk in the 1st Reading (Hak 1:2-4). We also ask why? Why so much violence, ruin, misery, poverty, corruption, selfishness, greed and abuse of power. In such experience, we may also ask God – but you don’t do anything!
We need to be willing to trust that God knows best; that His justice may be delayed but surely it will come. Just have faith!
2.     Wait Patiently
In the midst of hardships, we need to be firm and steadfast. In the midst of corruption, injustice and frustrations, we need to be patient and faithful. These hardships are just temporary. God is in control. He tells us: just hang on!
St. Paul tells us in the 2ndReading:
a.     God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but a of power. He says: be courageous!
b.     Bear your share of hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God. In other words, be strong.
3.     Work Confidently
The 2nd part of the Gospel, Jesus speaks of servants. Servants need to do their job. Servants should work. God invites us to be good stewards.
I read this true to life story of Brenda (cf. Inspire She went rock climbing with friends. However, her contact lens fell. Upset and desperate, she had blurry vision during the climb. In her heart she prayed to God to find it so that she could be safe. As they were resting, a new party of climbers arrived. One of them asked: “anybody lost a contact lens?” She was surprise. She was even more amazed how it was found. A strange thing occurred because one of them saw an ant carry it!
Brenda’s dad made a cartoon after hearing of the ant, the prayer and the contact lens. In this cartoon, the ant was praying: “Lord, I don’t know why You want me to carry this thing. I can’t eat it, and it’s awfully heavy. But, if this is what You want me to do, I’ll carry it for you!” God wants us to be obedient to Him, like this ant!
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