Let Us Adore Him!

They were overjoyed at seeing the star, 
and on entering the house
they saw the child with Mary, his mother.
They prostrated themselves and did him homage.
 Matthew 2:1-12


When Jesus was born only the shepherds came that night. They were told to see the newborn king by the angels singing “Glory to God in the highest”.

The three kings came two years later when Jesus was already a big baby with Joseph and Mary residing in a house not anymore a stable. They found Him by following the star.

They saw His star since they were astrologers or “magi” or wise men – not really kings. Yet we call them kings because they brought expensive gifts like gold. They brought three gifts but were they really three? They were coming from the East, beyond the boundaries of Israel. And during that time like today, travelling across countries was costly. You need an entire caravan.

Jesus appears to all races even to those of different beliefs. This is the meaning of “Epiphany”.

Jesus was sent to the lost tribe of Israel and yet today He welcomed foreigners. He was warm too to non-Jews like the Roman centurion or the Canaanite woman.

Pope Francis wrote the encyclical “Fratelli Tutti” after a dialogue with religious leaders from all over to tell the whole world we have common problems that could be solved only by collaboration.

The Church in the spirit of Ecumenism is eager to look more for what is similar and not for what is different among the many religions. Lumen Gentium 16 in fact gives a wider concept of what the Church is today.

Disclaimer: This section of the website is a personal creative writing of the author and does not necessarily reflect the official views, opinion, or policies of the Salesians of Don Bosco – Philippines South Province. For concerns on the content, style, and grammar of this piece, please contact us.

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