Only Harmony Between Heaven and Earth

Jesus said to the Pharisees, “Whose image is this and whose inscription?” They replied, “Caesar’s.” At that he said to them, “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” Mt 22:15-21

29th Sunday Ordinary Time Cycle A

The Greeks like Plato believed in a dualism where there are good and bad forces engaged in a constant battle. But Christian philosophy corrected that saying there is no evil but only good. God being the creator of everything cannot produce bad. There is no evil but only the lack of good, as there is no darkness but only the lack of light, or no cold but the lack of warmth.

There is only harmony in the world that God created but no conflict. So, there is no fight between science and religion, no separation between Church and state. Don Bosco believed in this as he taught his students to become both good Christians and honest citizens. Don Bosco in fact was a very close friend of both Pius IX, the pope and the Italian Premier, Urbano Rattazi.

Thus in today’s gospel Jesus reprimanded the Pharisees saying: “Give to Cesar what belongs to Cesar, but to God what is God’s!”

Likewise, the Isaiah wrote that it was Yahweh who anointed Cyrus, giving him the title of king although he knew Him not. All kings on earth run in His service as there is no God besides Yahweh. Is 45:1, 4-6

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