Revelation and Light

Today we mark the celebration of the Lord’s Epiphany. We celebrate Jesus as the ultimate revelation of the Father. Revelation for most is the sudden expansion of knowledge like opening a giftbox and finding a precious surprise. It is a theme that runs throughout Christmas. Jesus is God’s revelation for us, the Word-made-flesh. He reveals who God is.

Revelation can also be seen as an expansion of vision. It’s like standing in the middle of a dark field with a candle in your hand then suddenly a bright filling light suddenly appears overhead and shines over the whole area. The circle of how far one can see with a candle suddenly expands so far as the horizon. Everything becomes clear and inter-connected. Everything is put into context and meaning comes into focus.

Jesus is God’s Light and Revelation that allows us to see beyond the confines of our own reality. He allows us to see more, deeper and farther, so we don’t have to grapple with the dark but walk with confidence in the light of day (Romans 13:13, John 12:35). The baby born for us reveals how deep God’s love is that He gave us His Only Son, stripping Him of His eternal glory so that He might live among us. He became Hope for us that as moths attracted to light we might follow His brilliance that we may discover our own giftedness in His own Gift.

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