Unworthy, Made Worthy, True Worth

An obvious thread runs through our Sunday readings today. Isaiah, Paul, and Peter all admitted their unworthiness when they found themselves in front of the holiness of God. Our conscience is a curious thing that lays bare our imperfection in front of the perfection of God. We simply do not compare before the holiness, perfection, and beauty of God. We are truly unworthy.

Yet the readings do not intend to demean our frail humanity. In fact, we are encouraged by the fact that despite our unworthiness, God, in all His greatness took time and effort to bend down and lift us up. We are made worthy by the love of God. Isaiah’s lips were purified, Paul’s mistakes corrected, and Peter’s faith confirmed.

The focus today is the type of love God offers for our brokenness and failures. Jesus knows the unfruitfulness of our struggles. Left to our strengths we achieve nothing, we are nothing. Yet God continues to love us and make us worthy of His love. He empowers us not by account of our strengths but of our weakness, so that in realizing how we are made strong despite being weak, we may learn to empathize with the weakness of our brothers and sisters.

We are invited to begin in the humble recognition of our nothingness. Like Isaiah, Paul and Peter, we are inspired to respond in gratitude to a God who fills our emptiness. To our brethren we learn to show understanding that their brokenness is a reflection of our own. We celebrate our blessing in Jesus who makes us whole and sends us to fill in what is lacking in others.

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