O Happy Fault, O Necessary Blunder

The human person relies so much on himself that he forgets to take into account a higher wisdom that has the final say in everything. Oftentimes, we find ourselves under so much stress and pressure to take control of all our waking days, neglecting the fact that a mere turn of the tides will render all of it incapacitated. Our fragile constitution crumbles at the littlest shift of the winds. Such is our mortal state. Hence, let us remember that we are at the mercy of change.

Such experience of unwanted disturbance in routine and plan could lead one to an unwelcome aching of the heart and a longing for a call of justice. Blinded by disappointments, we seek to rebel against the one true Good, which seeks only the good for us. We scream from the bottom of our misperceived brokenness, demanding recompense for a failed attempt to pursue dominance, not knowing that what was broken was meant to make us whole; what has failed to follow through was a way to see us through.

Many are the plans of the human heart, but it is the decision of the Lord that endures.
Proverbs 19:21

Even in the midst of the pain and disappointment, a greater call is invoking our shattered souls to look beyond the gravel and see the light which brings meaning and purpose. We need to find strength from the deepest recesses of our being to see the grand design which brought us to our seemingly miserable state. We have a God that does not commit the slightest mistake. What we take as a blunder is a beautiful scribble in the great poetry of the Divine Plan. To our limited perception, our failures will remain failures if our eyes are fixed only upon us. But if brought to a higher plane of understanding, we shall see a profound realization that what was held back was God’s way of clearing the path. This reverberates the great Easter exsultet “O happy fault.” What we see as rejection is His protection and ultimately His salvation.

And so, let us rise from all our failings and misfortunes to see the hand of God in all circumstances of our lives, both in moments of bliss and in times of emptiness. Let us widen our horizons and bring about a contribution to the completion of the magnificent design which human minds cannot comprehend. Let us simply accept the guiding truth that “it is the decision of the Lord that endures.” Having this as an unceasing chant of our hearts will set us free from all human misery.

O happy fault, O necessary blunder! It is indeed.

for Pius

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