Marriage and Family

One of the songs I usually hear during weddings is “You and I.” This song was popularized by Shirley Bassey. The lyrics of the 2nd stanza are worth reflecting:
You and I are going on together.
‘Til the time we have is gone forever.
Watch the evening drawing on together.
Growing older, growing closer.
Making mem’ries that light the sky.
That only time can make;
That only love can make;
That only we can make: You and I
In the Gospel of the 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Mk 10:2-16), Jesus teaches that marriage is togetherness that lasts for a lifetime. “What God has joined together, no human being must separate.”
Today we pray for our families. We remind ourselves of the importance of the building and the strengthening of our family ties.
3 P’s that should characterize our families:
1.      Partnership
The 1stReading narrates that God wanted to find a suitable partner for man. Dogs, cats or various animals and birds cannot be man’s partner. By nature, man and woman are complementary partners. Marriage can work out if husband and wives becomes real partners. They work together as a team in coordination with their children. This partnership must be characterized by mutual respect and trust in each other. Above all they are to love each other unconditionally.
I heard this story from another priest that once a former student came to him for counseling. “Father,” he said “I can’t understand my wife anymore!” He was in the verge of tears. After some minutes of silence, the priest took out his Bible. Opening  it on Gen 2 and he began to read:
So the LORD God cast a deep sleep on the man, and while he was asleep,
he took out one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh.
The LORD God then built up into a woman the rib
that he had taken from the man.
After reflecting the man said: “Now I know why I can’t understand her. I was sleeping when God created her!” To this the pries said: “Don’t just understand her. Love her.”
2.      Presence
Parents need to be visible. Be there for your children. An example I could not forget was set by Sec. Jesse Robredo. Despite his busy schedule as a public official, he would make it a point to go home and spend time with his family and children. He was “rushing home” when his plane crashed  near Masbate to attend the recital of one of his daughters the next day.
St. John Bosco’s mother, Mama Margaret, was only 29 years old when she became a widow. Having to raise three kids (the youngest of whom was John Bosco) with a meager income, several comfortable marriage proposals were offered to her. But she turned them down. “God gave me a husband and has taken him away from me. On his deathbed he entrusted three children to me. I would be a heartless mother if I abandon them at a time when they need me most.” She spent her life for them.
3.      Prayer
Family life is full of trials and problems. Both husband and wife cannot possibly do it alone. Thus they need God’s partnership. They say that a strong married life is represented by a triangle with God that gives stability to the relationship. As the husband and wife draw closer to God, they also come closer to each other. For this reason prayer life in the family is essential for the growth of faith among its members. It has always been said: “The family that prays together, sticks together.”
One prayer moment recommended for the family is the rosary. October 7 is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Pope John Paul II recommended it as a Family Prayer. For him, the rosary “takes the family into the heart of the faith.” It becomes a spiritual and educational opportunity for parents to teach their children contemplation and union with God. Through the devout recitation of the rosary, the family is able to nurture their interior life and neutralize harmful trends into their children’s lives. Thus God become the center of family life.
As we begin the Year of Faith, let us pray for our families that it may truly be Christian in its partnership, in being present to each other and grow in prayer and faith.
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