Mt 7:21-27 Criteria for Heaven

In one of Jesus’ parables in Mt 25, he speaks about himself returning as future king. He will separate everyone like a shepherd: lambs on his right and goats on his left. The criteria will be based on how much one has loved. For this reason not all who call on him as Lord will enter heaven. Only the doers of his will.

3 Criteria for Heaven: 3 G’s
1. Grounded: the sign of being wise is being rooted; having deep and solid foundation. Faith in Christ makes us deep and strong. Whatever crisis or calamity, he bends but not broken.
2. Good Intentions are not Enough: the road to perdition is paved with good intentions. Faith must bear fruit in charity; lest faith remains fruitless. St. Francis Xavier gives an inspiring witness. He travelled tirelessly to bring Christ to Asia. He is our model missionary.
3. Give Glory to God: the purpose of our work of charity is to give glory to God; not to show off or become famous. We have to check the purity of our intentions. Our effort to conform to God’s will daily brings out the best in us.

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