Scripture Struck @ Deut. 30:15-20

Choose Life

The book of Deuteronomy gives us a different side of Moses. He was the leader of the Israelites from Egypt to their desert wanderings. While Exodus showed us his quick temper, forty years in the wilderness softened him. Here we see his humility and kindness.

Now Moses is old. After years of witnessing God’s closeness and unbounded care, he reminds them that they were about to enter the Promised Land. There is sadness in his voice knowing he would not join them there.

Like a parent, he makes a plea to stay loyal to the Lord. The land they will enter is full of enticements: seduction of other cultures, exotic religions, glittering wealth. But to practice their faith means choosing life and living in prosperity.

Today God continues to remind us to stay loyal to our faith. The world seduces us with so many “idols” that mesmerize our eyes and our heart. Yet let us be brave by following the way that leads to Life! 
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