The Lord’s Marvels in our Life

“The Lord has done marvels for us.” This is what we acclaimed in today’s Responsorial Psalm. The Psalm was sung by the exiles returning to Israel from Babylon filled with the hope that GOD will bring about the completion of restoring the people to their former glory and even more.  It also has a link in that the people who went through the exile, left the Promised Land in sorrow, but now are returning in joy. Listening and praying today’s Psalm allows us also to look back at the many marvels that the Lord has done for us. When we look back at the graces that God has showered upon us these past days, many of them seem to be ordinary and simple, even to the point of being unnoticed by us, but that is how the Lord works in our life-silent, without any fanfare. I invite you, brothers and sisters in the Lord to go back to our recent life events, especially as the month of October is ending soon. See the hand of God at work, recognize the marvelous acts of God in your life. We will realize that we have been blessed a lot despite whatever we are going through today. We will be able to see that even in the ordinariness of life, God is present, He is assisting and guiding us all throughout.

Mustard seed and yeast—very ordinary commodities that attract no special attention but mentioned in the Gospel by Jesus. They may not seem to be very significant yet both of them contain a dynamism, a power, that can spark off amazing growth. This the way of God-simple, silent, without any fanfare, yet it has the power to transform and renew anyone and anything that it touches. The Kingdom of God is already with us and among us, how are we allowing it to transform us? In what ways are we led closer to the Lord especially as we celebrate the sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation?

Brothers and sisters, the Lord is doing marvels in our lives and in the world even today. We continue to recognize and acknowledge them and proclaim to those who are in darkness and self-absorbed, God is with us, He is Emmanuel to us even today. In this Eucharistic celebration, He offers Himself generously to us. May we also learn from this example and be generous to our brothers and sisters in need so that they too can experience the Lord’s marvels with us and through us.

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