True Measure

Not all beautiful songs are in the billboard list
Not all works of art are valued in millions
Not all talents are given Oscars
Not all humanism is given a Noble prize
Not all intelligent people receive diplomas
Not all hardwork requires big pay
Not all saintly people are exalted on the altar
Beauty is not measured in popularity
Nor is art measured in economic value
Talents can sometimes be found in small measures
But all the same we remain humans
Humans who seek knowledge and stay curious
Humans who strive against all odds
Humans who always have semblance of goodness inside
Seek then the transcendent
The higher values this world won’t offer
Run after beauty, seek for truth
Accept with humility all reality
Yet remain steadfast in true freedom
For we are not measured in success, not even in joy
But in the measure of not measuring our love


This feed is an excerpt from my blog.

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