Conquer Evil with Good
Jesus said to his disciples:
“To you who hear I say,
love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
To the person who strikes you on one cheek,
offer the other one as well,
and from the person who takes your cloak,
do not withhold even your tunic.
Luke 6:27-38
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle C
If someone attacks you with a bomb, meet him with a soft pillow. In that case you would avoid a big explosion, rather meet him with another bomb of your own. This is a metaphor one could always use in practical life. If your enemy comes to you angry, meet him with kindness. You’d be surprise that he will calm down. Proverbs 25:22 had put it, “Heap coals of kindness on your enemy’s head.”
In the first book of Samuel David even if given the chance did no harm to Saul who out of jealousy hunted him down. But because of such action, Saul ceased doing him harm.
In Luke’s gospel Jesus improved Moses’ teaching “Love your friends but hate your enemies” into “Love your enemies and do good to those who persecute you.” The reason is to transform your enemies into your friends. Loving your enemies transforms both you and your enemies.
Futhermore in doing so we would be like God who sends the sun and the rain indiscriminately to both bad and good people alike. To put up with people’s sins is making us more closely resemble God.
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