Death Gives Way to Life
“Unless the grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it remains alone. But if it dies, it produces much fruit.” John 12:20-23
5th Sunday of Lent Cycle B
Whenever someone dies, old people say he/she can still go around visiting relatives if only to say goodbye at least for the last forty days. Families living abroad suddenly but briefly see a beloved only to realize afterwards from a long-distance call that the same person had recently died back home. Thus many believe that people who die are still alive – that after death there is life.
Nature teaches us the same. A completely dry seed even after quite a long time would always sprout into a new plant so long as it is buried in soil and watered.
This is what Jesus said in today’s gospel. And it reflects Jesus’ outlook at His approaching death.
His death was indeed terrible. As Isaiah prophesied “No dared look at Him, so marred was His face beyond recognition, so disfigured His body.” Isaiah 53:2.
Yet His death was temporary. It was not yet the end of everything. It would end only in glory when death itself would be defeated with His resurrection.
He promises that it would be the same for us in our life, not only in death. Whatever sort of dying we experience in life is only temporary and is always a passage to undying glory. For our God is a God of life and not death, a God of light and not darkness, and a God of happiness not sadness.
Let me conclude with another hymn expressing the same sentiments, “Death Gives Birth to Life” written by Mike Lapid, a former Salesian.Let me conclude with another hymn expressing the same sentiments, “Death Gives Birth to Life” written by Mike Lapid a former Salesian.
As when death gives birth to life, so will all these things be light.
“Death gives birth to life” by Mike lapid
Never for a moment think that all has come to pass.
So just hold your head up high and sing your song without a sigh.
Just hold on tight and soon you’ll see the light.
There never is a night without a dawn that breaks more glorious
Never a passing day without a trace of joy.
Even the most cruel tempest will have to give its way to a peaceful sea.
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