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Reflection on Thursday, 33rd Week in OT, 17 Nov 2022 – Memorial of St. Elizabeth of Hungary

We welcome this new day filled with gratitude to God in our hearts for his amazing grace. And we continue to offer prayers for the poor souls in Purgatory especially those whose names are here near the altar. The memory of our deceased loved ones especially those who are still being purified prior to their admission at the gates of heaven reminds us that one’s death could really be tragic if he /she dies without having accomplished God’s will and fulfilled his plan here on earth. But the worst of all tragedies happens when at the point of death that person would still close his/her heart to Jesus and refuse his last offer of mercy & compassion coming straight from the heart of the Father.

This is precisely the sorrow and anguish of Jesus shown in the gospel today regarding the people of Jerusalem who did not recognize God’s grace-filled visitation among them. Since the Jews refused to accept the promised Messiah in their hearts, Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D. including its beautiful and majestic temple.  May this horrifying tragedy not happen to us, to our families and communities as we approach the solemn feast of Christ, the King, which will mark the end of this liturgical year.

Today we also celebrate the memorial of St Elizabeth of Hungary, known also as the patroness of widows.  She was born in Hungary but raised in Germany.  At four, she was already paired to Louie IV, and at fourteen she was married to him and eventually blessed with three children.

At sixteen after having met the Franciscan Friars she was inspired to live a life of virtue. And so she began to devote herself in various corporal works of mercy.  She generously shared the family’s blessings and wealth to the poor, not without the approval of her husband who strongly believed in her charitable works.

Unfortunately at the early age of twenty she found herself already a widow, and after her husband was buried she chose not to marry again. Instead, she decided to dedicate her life totally to the Lord, and donated her treasured blessings to the poor.  Using her own wealth she had a hospital built in Marburg for them, and spent the rest of her life taking care of the sick, the suffering and the sorrowing.  She died at the age of twenty-four and was canonized in the year 1235, only three years after her death.

As we reflect more deeply on God’s Word may we allow the saints in heaven to inspire us.  Through their intercession may they obtain for us the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to live holy and heroic lives, faithful to our calling and fruitful in our mission, so that one day we too may be gloriously crowned with Christ together with all the saints and angels in heaven.  GiGsss!

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