
“Jesus led them out as far as Bethany, raised his hands, and blessed them.
As he blessed them, he parted from them and was taken up to heaven.”
Luke 24:46-53

Ascension 7th Easter Sunday

Parting is always difficult, but it is inevitable. This is the way of growth. Parting is integral to anyone’s journey. No one stays in one place forever. Children will soon grow up and leave parents to start on their own. Students graduate even after long years at school. People migrate leaving their fatherland with hopes of a better life. All of us eventually die and leave accumulated wealth and our dear ones behind. Parting is sad but it is part and parcel of living. Life is an endless series departures and arrivals. But after any tearful departure there will always be a warm arrival.

Today Jesus reminds His apostles that He must return to His Father for several reasons. First of all, heaven is His home as well as ours. Secondly from heaven He must send the Holy Spirit to remind them of all that they were taught.

Heaven is our home. Unfortunately because of the long time spent in the world persons get attached to people, places and things. Don Bosco thus constantly advised people, “Walk with feet on the ground and with eyes fixed in heaven”.

From heaven Jesus could send the Advocate who would assist the Church until He comes again. In heaven Jesus could easily intercede for us with the Father. In heaven Jesus would prepare a place for all of us.

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