The Dream Lives On

by: Marie Arrianne Diolingo

At the age of nine, young Johnny Bosco had a dream – a dream that conditioned his life and inspired generations to come. In that dream, God, through the Blessed Virgin Mary, revealed to him his mission: to accompany young people, transforming them from wolves into lambs. Though Johnny’s dream ended when he woke up, the legacy it sparked continues to thrive. Now, in 2024, 200 years after Don Bosco’s Dream at Nine, we find ourselves living in the shape of his dream.

God’s Dream for Me

Eight years ago, I had no idea who Don Bosco was, nor did I understand the profound impact of his work with young people. But, just as Mary brought the boys to Don Bosco, she led me to him, fresh out of college, and that changed my life forever.

I can still vividly recall my first encounter with Don Bosco’s mission. As a newly hired teacher at Don Bosco Victorias, I found myself seated in a crowded audio-visual room, attending my first Salesianity session. As passages from the Memoirs of the Oratory were read aloud, something stirred within me. I found myself falling in love with Don Bosco and his mission. Over the years, I have dedicated myself to serving the young people, all while trying to discern “my own dream.” While I was busy trying to figure out the life I wanted, God was silently preparing me for the fulfillment of a dream He had long ago planted within me.

This year, as we commemorate the bicentenary of Don Bosco’s Dream at Nine, I feel profoundly blessed to have been chosen as one of the FIS Province’s delegates to the Salesian Youth Synod (SYS) 2024 in Italy. The opportunity to participate in this event is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for which I am deeply grateful.

My journey to the SYS 2024 was not without its challenges. The preparations leading up to the Synod were demanding, but they also revealed God’s faithfulness, manifested through the many angels He sent to help me along the way. I arrived at the Synod confident in my preparation, but nothing could have prepared me for the wave of emotions that would follow. As I knelt before Don Bosco’s altar in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, tears welled up in my eyes. I remembered how fervently I had dreamt of this moment years ago, and now, here I was—finally standing in Valdocco then in Colle Don Bosco, carrying with me the hopes and dreams of the Salesian youth in my province.

In that sacred space, I began to awaken from a deep spiritual slumber.

In Good Time, You Will Understand Everything

Surrounded by hundreds of Salesian youth, I felt a deep sense of belonging. Yet, amidst this overwhelming feeling of home, I found myself asking, “Is this truly the field God calls me to serve?”

One of the most transformative experiences of my SYS 2024 journey was retracing Don Bosco’s footsteps on a pilgrimage led by Fr. Mike Pace, SDB. As we walked through the hallowed grounds of Valdocco and Colle Don Bosco, I felt an undeniable connection to Don Bosco’s presence. I could picture young Johnny Bosco, full of dreams, assisting Mama Margaret with daily chores. I could see him, eyes twinkling with mischief, playing with the boys, guiding them in their studies and prayers, and teaching them both practical skills and life lessons. I could imagine him fervently praying for the boys and the fulfillment of the mission he had been called to.

This pilgrimage was far more than just a tour; it was a spiritual awakening – a chance to deeply understand my own calling. As I reflected on my experiences, I couldn’t help but think of the countless young people back home who longed for this opportunity. I yearned to share this incredible experience with them, to ignite in their hearts the same passion that had driven Don Bosco’s work in me.

Shared Dreams, Shared Purpose

Beyond the awe-inspiring pilgrimage, the intimate language group sharing sessions were the heart and soul of my SYS 2024 experience. Together with my newfound family, we explored Don Bosco’s dream in depth, drawing insights from the plenary sessions and sharing our personal aspirations. We discussed our dreams, our collective vision for a more compassionate society and church, and our hopes for the Salesian Youth Movement, which served as the foundation for the SYS 2024 Final Document. Being part of the collective effort to shape the Final Document was both humbling and transformative. I felt a profound sense of purpose, knowing that my voice, along with the voices of hundreds of Salesian youth from around the world, would help shape the future of the Salesian Youth Movement.

Through these shared experiences and reflections, my understanding of Don Bosco’s Dream at Nine deepened immeasurably. I came to a clearer realization of God’s dream for me – to work with and for young people.

Piece by piece, just as God revealed His master plan to Don Bosco through a series of dreams, I am now beginning to grasp His plans for me.

Go Among Those Boys, and Work

Like a mustard seed, Don Bosco’s dream has grown into something far greater than its original conception. It stands as a testament to the transformative power of a dream when nurtured with faith, perseverance, and a deep commitment to service. What began as a simple dream in Becchi blossomed in Valdocco as an oratory and has since grown into a global movement that continues to transform the lives of millions of young people, and I feel truly blessed to be a part of this family. Indeed, Don Bosco’s dream was meant for the entire world.

As we celebrate the bicentenary of Don Bosco’s Dream at Nine, we are each called to ask ourselves, “What is God’s dream for me?” and “How will I live God’s dream for me?”

For me, living Don Bosco’s dream means more than just working with and for the young; it means embodying his spirit of service, compassion, and love. As I continue to follow God’s dream for me, I know that He will ask more of me, but I am ready to surrender myself fully to His will just like how Don Bosco did. I trust that He will guide me in living His dream and inspiring others to do the same.

The Salesian Youth Synod 2024 may have come to an end, but the mission continues, and with it, the dream lives on.

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