Feed My Sheep

“Peter, do you love me? Feed my sheep.” John 21:1-19

3rd Easter Sunday

When Peter had first received the call from Christ to follow Him, Jesus was
preaching from his boat to avoid the crowd pressing on Him. After His
preaching, to repay Peter for the use of his boat, Jesus told him to cast the
net into the water. Peter was hesitant at first since his fishers had done that
all night and had caught nothing. But when he finally obeyed, miraculously he caught
so many fish that the net was about to tear. At that point Peter begged Jesus
to depart because he was sinful. But Jesus answered, “From now onwards you will
be catching people and not anymore fishes.

But now after Jesus’ resurrection we see Peter and the apostles back at catching fish. Did they forget the commission Christ gave them at the beginning to catch people and not anymore
fish? Did even seeing Christ rise from the dead mean nothing to them at all?

But to gently remind Peter and his companions, Jesus repeated the miraculous catch of fish. Jesus did not say anything anymore. In fact He even prepared for them breakfast of bread and broiled
fish. Then afterwards He asked Peter three times to feed His sheep, after
Peter had assured Him thrice also that he loved Him.

How about ourselves, have we kept in mind the mission Jesus gave us? Or have
we forgotten all about it and returned to our old tasks before meeting Jesus?

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