Figs from Nonna Lydia

Homily on Friday, 34th Week in OT, 25 November 2022

When I was still doing my studies in Italy, I spent one whole summer in a city called Ancona along the eastern coast.  I went there as a substitute to the parish priest who had to go for his annual vacation.  It was there that I saw for the first time in my life an actual fig tree, big, leafy and abundant with fruits. It was growing at the garden of the house where I had my lodging.  One morning the old lady who owned the house picked up some figs from the tree, sliced them and served them to me. I hesitated to eat it for its small reddish seeds inside looked like worms to me. But when I tried tasting it I almost forgot my name, because the fruit tasted so good.  I will forever be grateful to my host, Signora Lydia Giacomelli, whom we simply call Nonna Lydia as she was the one who took care of me and provided for my daily needs while I was doing my ministry in that parish for three months.  May God bless her soul.

Brothers and sisters, by tomorrow we will be ending the liturgical year. We continue to listen reflectively on the gospel of St Luke. We have reached chapter 21 which speaks mostly about the end times.  Jesus, knowing what will happen in the future, narrates the parable of the fig tree.  He said to his disciples “Consider the fig tree and all the other trees. When their buds burst open, you see for yourselves and know that summer is now near.” 

Just for you to know in European countries like Italy, summer is the season when fruits are plentiful. But before that, springtime comes first when trees are budding with new leaves and flowers begin to burst forth from branches made barren by the freezing cold of winter.  So by narrating the parable of the fig tree I believe Jesus wanted his disciples to learn how to read the signs of the times and be prepared for what is about to come.

In the previous days we have been hearing Jesus tell us about the various signs that might appear before the terrible day of final judgment.  Now we ask ourselves, are we ready for that day, the day of the Lord’s second coming? What if that day comes tomorrow what do you think will happen to you? And what if it comes today? Do you think the Lord will take you to the joys of heaven, or will he leave you behind along with people who deserve punishment?  I believe if during our lifetime we have been unfaithful and unfruitful, then we will certainly have great fear of that final day.  But if we have been striving everyday to walk with Jesus, honouring him as our King and doing our best to be more and more like him, then we should have no reason to fear at all; on the contrary we should feel at peace and at the same time so excited, for the day of our salvation has indeed come.  

In fact we have heard it proclaimed in the first reading, when that day comes there will be a new heaven and a new earth where the God of love will reign forever. And there will be no more tears, sadness, pain and suffering for all these will be turned into joy.  There we will enjoy eating not only figs but all types of fruits in great abundance.

May our communion with Jesus in this Eucharist transform us to become men and women of God’s love awaiting every single day the final return of the Bridegroom.  It is he who will take us to the great banquet hall in heaven where we will celebrate the wedding feast of the Lamb for all eternity. God is good…!

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