From Hail to Crucify

Jesus rode on the ass and was met by a very large crowd who cut branches from the trees and strewed them on the road. The crowds kept crying out:”Hosanna to the Son of David.” 

Mtt 21:1-11

On Palm Sunday Jews welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem as their king while waving palm branches and shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David”.

But only after five days on Good Friday they suddenly changed their tunes to angry shouts of “Crucify him”.

People are like that pickle minded, quickly changing loyalties.

Luckily God is not like us. He never changes His attitude towards us even if we sin. He loves us when are faithful and loves even more when we are not. Even if we become unfaithful to Him, He remains faithful to us because He cannot deny Himself.

People change so often. Maybe it is better this way. In this manner hardened sinners have always the chance to reform and be saved in the end. In this way person who cannot forgive us at present because of the pain we have caused them will in time also forgive us once the wounds are healed.

God is out of our time. For Him there is no beginning nor end, no yesterday nor tomorrow because He is always now loving, unchanging, forgiving. Man, instead travels in time. What he was before won’t anymore be what he would be after.

If anyone is bad, give him time for he would change. If someone cannot forgive, give him time for he would eventually heal.

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