God is Real – Not Doctrine But Person


Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Mt. 28:16-20

Christians must follow the Ten Commandments, of course, but Christianity is not about following rules, it is about having a relationship with Jesus”, Pope Francis said. Similarly we could say that God is not a dogmatic teaching to be learned by heart but a person to speak to.

God is Trinity but I guess He is not concerned that a child in catechism must know that there is only one God having three persons. He is more interested that this child will call Him and eventually experience Him as “Father”. Jesus is not worried if a teenager is unaware that He is both human and divine. He is more anxious if that teenager bullies a school mate or gets bullied himself.

God is Father. He has created us and as such He is solicitous for our health, our safety more than our parents.

God is Savior. He is Jesus who died a long time ago to save us from sins. He continues to be with us that we may always rise from our faults and failures.

God is Spirit. He helps us to make right decisions, gives courage to pursue our goals, give us love to forgive. He renews us to become better versions of ourselves.

St. Augustine first saw the Trinity as a dogma that he could fit in his small mind. But as he later confessed it was already too late that he realized that God was just inside Him, so close and so real. “You were within me and I was outside where I rushed about wildly searching for You.”

According to this saint´s story, he was walking along the seaside meditating about the mystery of the Holy Trinity when he saw a boy filling a hole in the sand with seawater. Saint Augustine asked what he was doing and the boy answered that he was trying to empty the sea by pouring all its water into that hole. Upon hearing his answer, the saint said that that was impossible. The boy´s answer was that, if what he was doing was impossible, it was even less possible to try to understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity

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