God of All

Behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, 
“Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.”

 Matt 2:1-12


When Jose Rizal was imprisoned at Fort San Santiago and just before his execution, he was visited by a Jesuit priest since he was an alumnus of Ateneo de Manila. He was still a free mason then thus the priest told him “Outside the Church there is no salvation” in order to convince him to confess his sins and return to the Catholic fold.

Is it true that outside the Church there is no salvation? It depends on how you understand the Church. Lumen Gentium 16 of Vatican II gives a wide description of the Church. The Church includes not only the catholics who are ruled by the pope. It also includes the Christians like the Orthodox, Anglicans and Protestants because they all believe in Christ. It embraces all others like the Jews, Moslems since they believe in God although calling Him with another name like Yahweh or Allah. Even the atheists could be considered part as long as they do good and avoid harm on their neighbors which is a teaching of Christ. Only those who do evil under the bidding of the devil could not be part of the Church.

Today the Baby Jesus was visited at home by the Magi coming from the east three years after the Shepherds have left. They were not Jews and thus foreigners but were received nonetheless in the presence of the Savior. This shows that the Messiah has come for all peoples of all times and places. He discriminates no one of different color, race or religion.

A man and his wife were picking up their son at a catholic school after class. On his side, the man saw another father, a moslem wearing a skull cap. Immediately he pulled his wife away whispering “terrorist” into her ears. Sometimes catholics forget that their name means universal or accepting all types of people. Like the all revealing Messiah, let us, as catholics be for all peoples of all times and places, of all religious beliefs and denominations.

Follow Pope Francis’ example who has always been in constant dialogue with leaders of other faith. He said earth is our common home so that to solve the problems of the world everyone must collaborate. Covid is not the only problem. There is war, migrations, discrimination, pollution, etc. His latest encyclical says it all, that we are all brothers – “Siamo Tutti Fratelli”

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