Happy Sinner

There is great joy in heaven when one sinner repents.” Luke 15:1-10

24th SUNDAY Ordinary Time Cycle C

I have served for seven straight years in Operation Second Chance, the jail for minor offenders in Kalunasan, Cebu City where I was celebrating Sunday masses. Initially I was at a lost on what advice to give when they come for confession. But slowly I started to talk to them about the great mercy of God and how in reality sinners are God’s favorites.

This is the message of this Sunday’s readings.

In Exodus Moses interceded for the Hebrews who worshipped the golden calf. And God relented in punishing them.

In Paul’s letter to Timothy Paul shared his past life when he arrogantly persecuted the believers of Jesus. And yet Christ saved and even chose him in spite of being the worst of all sinners.

In Luke’s gospel in answer to the Pharisees who accused Him of eating with sinners, Jesus narrated three parables of various things lost – a sheep, a coin and a son. Different stories but with the same moral that heaven is very happy with sinners if they repent.

I guess it goes without saying that if heaven is happy, how much happier is the forgiven sinner. As Psalm 32 says “Happy the one whose sin is forgiven”.

Pope Francis is a pastor who looks after the lost sheep. He often speaks on behalf of the least, last and the lost. He urges everyone to know the smell of the sheep.

Maybe that is what we should do today. Like the shepherd who searched for the sheep, the woman who swept for the lost coin and the father who waited for the returning son, let us look for those lost among us.

Disclaimer: This section of the website is a personal creative writing of the author and does not necessarily reflect the official views, opinion, or policies of the Salesians of Don Bosco – Philippines South Province. For concerns on the content, style, and grammar of this piece, please contact us.

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