J’s Carpentry Shop Closed Down

Homily on Friday, 24th Week in OT, 22 Sept 2023, FSpIF Chapel

The Gospel passage we have heard today presents Jesus as an itinerant preacher, in contrast with the traditional Rabbi who would remain permanent in one place and attract disciples around themselves. Jesus, before his baptism at the Jordan River took place, was working as a carpenter, and since his shop was in Nazareth, he served only the people of his own town. However, when he began his new mission as God’s beloved Son sent to save the world from sin, he chose to get out of his comfort zone and went to places unfamiliar to him. He could have simply remained in Nazareth and renovated his carpentry shop transforming it into a school slash healing center. But he opted to close it down and keep himself on the go, always on a journey to preach the Good News to as many people and places as he could reach.

The beautiful thing about his new ministry is that it was never a one-man show. Many Jews were drawn to follow him as his disciples, walking with him, accompanying him and providing support wherever he would go. Apart from the twelve whom he chose as his apostles, there was also a group of women who kept following in his footsteps at the same time providing for his daily needs out of their own resources.

We too are called to do the same. (1) We are called to be docile to our superiors especially as regards receiving our new assignments and “obediences”. We do not have the vow of stability as many monks do. (2) Wherever we are sent for our apostolic assignment we are to keep walking with Jesus and strive to do our ministry not in the way we want but rather in the way Jesus wants. Finally (3) we are to accompany each other too with the utmost care and concern, always ready to share our blessings and striving to provide for each others’ needs when the right time comes.

Therefore in the light of this Gospel passage I would like to grab this opportunity to thank those of you who have been accompanying us and supporting us in our mission to educate and evangelize the poorest among the youth. I would like to thank not only our lay mission partners and benefactors but also our aspirants, candidates and young confreres who have responded promptly to the Lord’s calling hoping that one day they may also become his apostles. May the good Lord bless all of you abundantly and reward your kindness and generosity beyond measure. GiGsss!

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