15.000 Young People from the Whole Philippines Join the 2019 National Youth Day 2019, Cebu

After a one year of preparation about 15.000 Catholic youth (leaders) from all Filipino dioceses gathered for the opening of their National Youth Day in Cebu (April 23 – 29), with the theme: Beloved – Gifted – Empowered. The opening Mass with the procession attended also by 400 Filipino Salesian Youth Movement delegates from all 3 provinces (FIN-SDB, FIS-SDB and FIL-FMA) was presided by Archbishop Jose Palma (Cebu), who stressed that Jesus always walks accompanying the youth!

The following days are tailored according the WYD scheme with participants being hosted by parishes, was they participate in the celebrations, volunteer services and catechesis.

An enlightening moment for the Salesian Family of Don Bosco, was the experience (at national level) of the VIA LUCIS (Way of the Light) which was developed by the Salesian Family Group (Witness of the Risen Lord) in 1988. This happened on Thursday April 26, 2019.

One of the young participants shared after the Via Lucis: “Let us remember, that, through this devotion we never forget the Cross – which is the symbol of Christ’s love for humanity. Instead, we increase our knowledge and faith on what it truly is: it is a symbol the we are all embraced and beloved by Jesus; it is a gift from the Heavenly Father who allowed His Son to die for our sins; and it is an empowerment by the Holy Spirit for those who suffer, serve and stay in the Lord. One day we, like Mary, who are called to share in the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ, will also be called to participate in His Resurrection and in the fullness of His glory.”

400 Youth of the SYM Philippines are accompanied by their Salesians SDB and FMA sisters with senior animators. They continue to experience not only the hospitality of the Cebu island parishes but also get the chance to know each other and the different Don Bosco and FMA settings in Cebu.

We pray, that the NYD 2019 Cebu experience will enhance the revival of the Salesian Vocatins & Youth Ministry in all Salesian settings especially in view of the celebration of the 500th years of Philippine Evangelization (1521-2021).

(by: SYM-FIS)