Lourdes Kindergarten School Attends PCSS Seminar-Workshop
by: CYM Correspondence

Teachers of Lourdes Kindergarten School (LKS) attended the Philippine Catholic School Standards (PCSS) Seminar-Workshop on December 9, 2022 at USC Law & Business School Building. The teachers were accompanied by Ms. Fe Mahinay, LKS Coordinator and Fr. Rooney John G. Undar, SDB, Sector on Schools In-Charge. The said seminar-workshop was organized by the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP) and the Cebu Elementary Principals’ Association (CEPA) aims to shed light on the standards and benchmarks on the PCSS document.

The morning session was focused on unpacking the Philippine Catholic School Standards, while the workshop and open forum took place during the afternoon session.
Sr. Elenita E. Soriano, DC highlighted that the PCSS serves as an internal assessment tool of every Catholic Schools to ensure effective and efficient Catholic Education.